Mother’s Day Gift Guide For Mom’s That Say They “Don’t Want Anything”

It’s almost Mother’s Day! In honor of this occasion I’ve put together a gift guide to help all us kids out there who have moms that say they don’t want any gifts. You know, when you were younger and you asked your mom what she wanted for mother’s day and… View Post

7 Self-Care Ideas To Do While Social Distancing

A lot of us are struggling out here in these streets! Hair salons are closed, nail salons are closed. We all need a mani-pedi and a touch up on our color, several moments of silence have taken place for fallen lash extensions, and at this point God only knows how… View Post

6 Things to Do While Social Distancing

We are in uncertain times right now. If you had told me a year ago, hell, a month ago I’d be cancelling my plans to visit my sister in Arizona to be quarantined in my home because of a mandate set forth by the government due to a pandemic I… View Post

Small Business Academy: The Pros & Cons of an LLC

Each business has its own structure. It can take the form of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Corporation, or Sole Proprietorship. The structure you chose for your business will be determined by what benefits and legal protections you are seeking for your business. Each structure… View Post

Why You Should Dress Up For Your Phone Interview

Should you dress up for your phone interview? Yes! Most definitely. It sounds crazy, but hear me out. During law school and after during your job hunt, depending on if it is a law firm or a company, you will at some point be invited for a phone interview. Oftentimes,… View Post